For shareholders.

  • All
  • Other information
  • Special information
  • Regular information
Бюллетень для голосування на річних загальних зборах 29.04.24р
Notice of the general meeting 29.04.2024
Information on the number of shares
List of documents to be submitted by the shareholder (shareholder representative) for his participation in the general meeting
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders 29042024
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders on February 22, 2024
Ballot for voting at the extraordinary general meeting on February 22, 2024
Notification about payment of dividends
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders on April 28, 2023
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders 01.09.2022
Voting results and decisions made by the annual general meeting
Information for shareholders regarding the conclusion of an agreement with the depositary institution
Notice of the issuer's special information
Regular annual information 2023
Regular annual information 2022
Regular annual information 2021
Регулярна річна інформація 2020
Annual financial statements 2019
Annual financial statements 2018
Annual financial report for 2013
Annual financial report for 2014
Annual financial report for 2015
Annual financial report for 2016
Annual financial report for 2017
Бюллетень для голосування на річних загальних зборах 29.04.24р
Notice of the general meeting 29.04.2024
Information on the number of shares
List of documents to be submitted by the shareholder (shareholder representative) for his participation in the general meeting
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders 29042024
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders on February 22, 2024
Ballot for voting at the extraordinary general meeting on February 22, 2024
Notification about payment of dividends
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders on April 28, 2023
Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders 01.09.2022
Voting results and decisions made by the annual general meeting
Information for shareholders regarding the conclusion of an agreement with the depositary institution
Notice of the issuer's special information
Regular annual information 2023
Regular annual information 2022
Regular annual information 2021
Регулярна річна інформація 2020
Annual financial statements 2019
Annual financial statements 2018
Annual financial report for 2013
Annual financial report for 2014
Annual financial report for 2015
Annual financial report for 2016
Annual financial report for 2017
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